Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today was a day of ancestral breakthroughs. We arrived back to Koniowka this morning and sat with with my Grandfather Josef Planiczka's nephew Stanislaw Zubek and his wife Anna. We would wait for the arrival of Zosia who would be bringing Fr. Jan from the overnight train. While we waited, we viewed old photos that they had. Verifying what we now already know, were some photos of Walter Planiczka in his service uniform as well as a photo of Leo Planiczka in his. It is wonderful to know that my Grandfather had communicated with his brother back in Koniowka during his life at some point. The photos may have been brought back by Fr. Zubek when he visited back in 1973. I was unable to verify this though. Upon Fr. Zubek's arrival, following the now customary tears from Bill, we proceded to enjoy chocolates,cheese,cookies,coffee and a customary shot of brandy. During this time Fr Zubek brought out his photos, and I displayed mine as well. He was very excited to be doing this. He remembers very well my Mom, Aunts Elizabeth,Caroline,Frances and Aunt Sophie. He knew Aunt Sophie had past many years ago. I explained to him that Aunts Caroline and Frances had gone to Jesus as had their husbands. He understood. A very nice surprize though was a photo that he had of Aunt Fran, Claudia, and a very young Gina. I explained to him, Gina, that you have grown into a wonderful woman. We were unable to access the church today as quite honestly, the priest wasn't home. Fr. Zubek also served in this parish some years ago. We will go here again late tomorrow after our return from Aushwitz and Krakow or on Thursday if need be. We did visit the cemetary today with Fr. Jan. Here we found much Planiczka/Zubek information. It is too much to post here right now but I will compile it soon. Fr. Zubek thinks I should write a book about us! Imagine that. He is serious though and is prety insistant to have a copy sent to him with our history. I will in time accomodate him. It's the least I could do as a Goral from America! The photo today is Fr.Jan Zubek and I at the entrance to the cemetary at Chocholowa. The monumet is for Pope John 11 and shows His Papal Cross.

Bill Zosia


Anonymous said...

Sounds like there is a lot of history to be learned

Anonymous said...

Sounds like there is a lot of history to be learned

Anonymous said...

Everything sounds amazing...and so much history....love you & miss you

Stacy said...

Everything sounds amazing...and so much history....love you & miss you

Unknown said...

Bill let the tears flow,tell all my relatives I said Hello. When people visit those war camps,they say you can feel the dread in the air, that something terrible took place there.re

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. Just hearing about Grandma makes me miss her so. ~Gina

dabienia said...

Bill I know you will have a great time . Tell father Zubek I said Hi.
Will enjoy reading about your adventure....
Cousin Don