Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The land of my heritage. Our drive was beautiful. Leaving Vienna and travelling through Slovakia we arrived in Koniowka At about 0300pm. All of Koniowka are aware of our coming according to the little old women with the babushka whom we encountered upon our arrival. As soon as we met Zosia, our language barrier quickly broke down as I began to cry. I just couldn't help it. We did a lot of that and then many many laughs as our first meeting progressed. We stayed about 2 hours and then went on to get our room at Dolina Chocholowa at the foot of the Tatras. We will return with our rental car after a good nights sleep to Koniowka for yet another surprize. Father Jan Zubek is taking the night train from Szechein. He will arrive early and will stay for the next few days to accompany us to the church in Chocholow and go with us to Aushwitz and Krakow. Zosia will come too. I will post more later. This is only the beginning


Anonymous said...

It was worth to go there with you to see those tears. I was moved too. Bogdan

Anonymous said...

Uncle Bill...I can only imagine how amzing this trip is going to be for you. I love you guys. Happy Trails and Enjoy!!! xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Bill -
There is a discussion page at PolishOrigins (www.polishorigins.com) for the villge Koniowka. It would be great if you would share some photos and tell us about your visit there.
We would love to hear from you!